Well, this is one inspiring lady, with a can do attitude and a thirst for knowledge. GeekGirl caught up with Adizah Tejani of Level39 (@adizah_tejani)to discuss everything from FinTech to accidentally meeting Bill Gates.

Adizah is the Head of Ecosystem Development at Level39. She has been in the startup ecosystem for the last six years and understands how to create an environment for startups to grow. At Level39 her work ranges from building and connecting the 180+ community of startups to establishing key strategic partnerships with organisations that understand the Level39 ethos. She leads the curation of seven hours of content delivered weekly to startups, mentor engagement, membership growth and investor relations. Partnerships over the last two years include World Economic Forum, Paypal, Swift and many more. Her contribution to fintech in the UK is as part of the founding team of Level39 the first FinTech Accelerator in Europe - when Level39 opened there were 6 startups and now there are 180+ across three floors creating a thriving ecosystem for growth. Adizah was recently named in the City A.M Power 100 women 2016 and has spoken in USA, Europe and Asia about technology entrepreneurship, startups and digital driven change.