Previous Episode: Comic Racks - Episode 10

We finally bring this episode to you after some serious microphone and audio issues, so apologies for the lateness. Now let's get down to business.

- Dr who Season 4 Start date.
- Perils of Self Publishing.
- New teen casting for Terminator 4.
- Has Tintin finally been cast for the new Spielberg movie? (here's a clue think Dr   who).

Notes from Nuge
-  Xmen 3

Special Guest
- Damian co -host of the Kryptographik podcast calling in live from Australia with a surprise for Barry.

Week that Was
- Dan Dare Archives (Red Moon Mystery).
- Regenesis(TV).
- The Twelve (Comic).
- Star Wars Legacy (Comic).
- The Batman (TV).
- Torchwood (TV).

Main Feature
- The winner of the latest Geek Syndicate writing competition is announced!
