Join Geek Syndicate on a epic 90 minute journey through time and space and into the mind of  Mr Paul Cornell, writer for Doctor Who, Primeval, Wisdom, Robin Hood and a host of other projects (some of which may surprise).

On this whistle-stop tour we learn some interesting stuff about Paul including how we got started in writing, who his favorite doctor is, his favorite superhero as well as his favorite medium to work in.

We delve into some of Paul's renowned Doctor Who episodes and discover some of the inspirations behind them.

Paul  takes us through a typical writing day and gives some tips for any would be writers out there, especially his thoughts on writer's block.

We take a look forward to some of the stuff Paul has in the pipeline including the upcoming Marvel comic 'Captain Britain and MI-13'. Paul share's his thoughts on Cap's place in the Marvel Universe and more importantly the fast growing legend that is Captain Midlands.

