Join Dave and Barry for another trip through the world of geekdom.


James Bond to return to the big screen, some rumoured Dark Knight Rises casting and the awesomeness that is Phoenix Jones, a real life kick ass .


We catch up with comic writer and the driving force behind the Kapow Comic Con Mark Millar. In this exclusive interview we chat with Mark about his reasons for starting Kapow, what people can expect who attend the con and where he sees the con in relation to the other UK comic cons. Mark goes deeper into what he means by bringing the 'San Diego Experience' to the UK. We then get into some questions regarding the Stan Lee Awards,VIP tickets, the guest list, indie creators and the infamous Movie X. We round-up with some non Kapow questions including the status of the Old Man Logan Sequel and the rumoured female version of Clint.

Geek Syndicate iPhone app extra:

This week we have an exclusive preview pdf containing  some pages from Blue Spear coming soon from Com.x 

