Hey People! As summer ramps up it’s time to sit back for nostalgia. As we’re prepping for the next batches of shows,  here’s a flashback episode with Pete Mitchel No More Kings. Mitchell and the crew recap Flash, Daredevil,The big summer blockbusters and more! – Follow Lead Singer  @daspetey for cartoons , claymations & updates on the new album, DiamondHead, Coming … Continue reading Episode 14- Catching Up with Pete Mitchell →

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Hey People!

As summer ramps up it’s time to sit back for nostalgia. As we’re prepping for the next batches of shows,  here’s a flashback episode with Pete Mitchel No More Kings.

Mitchell and the crew recap Flash, Daredevil,The big summer blockbusters and more!

– Follow Lead Singer  @daspetey for cartoons , claymations & updates on the new album, DiamondHead, Coming out this summer- Thanks again Pete!

-We have a Facebook page – GOTW news, updates and sweet sweet geek love.  Subscribe on Itunes and Rss! We’re also on Stitcher too! Oh yeah, sweet sweet tweets too, for the facebook disinclined.

-Once again, a big shout out to the band Freak Kitchen for our intro, check out band news and tour dates on Facebook.

Ending music  is See Ya later by our boy  Adrian (KO). Check out Life is Suite Music for new releases by KO and his Crew of awesome artists.

The post Episode 14- Catching Up with Pete Mitchell appeared first on GoTW Podcast.


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