Dave, Mike and Fab talk Warhammer 40K, Magic: The Gathering and also look at The Expanse Board Game.

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Dave, Mike and Fab talk Warhammer 40K, Magic: The Gathering and also look at The Expanse Board Game.

Mike’s back on the show and he’s been doing Movember. Just look at that mustache!

It's happened, friends. I'm channelling my inner Hetfield at the end of Movember.
Last minute donations to the cause, head to my Mo Bro space:https://t.co/fyt7r8OwZl pic.twitter.com/QIUONdpo4i

— Mike Mullan-Jensen (@MstevnsMJ) November 30, 2018

Naturally, there’ll be a lot of Warhammer talk in this episode. But we start with Dave reviewing The Expanse Board Game.

After that Dave and Fab discuss Magic: The Gathering some more. Dave reviews Fab’s most recent draft deck and came up with an improved version. At some point the Black Lotus gets mentioned.

Mike then updates us on the latest developments in Warhammer 40K: VigilusDa OrksPrimaris Calgar and other bits and bobs. We talk about the new 40K podcast from Games Workshop.

It even has an RSS feed!

Mike also talks about two Black Library books he’s gotten into recently, namely The Lords Of Silence and Dark Imperium: Plague War. He also mentions Warhammer Horror and Track of Words.

Also check out Karl the Nurgling.

We end the show by talking about your feedback. Like this great submission from Richard Marsh:

@MegaSlippers @fabsh @MstevnsMJ @geeknewsradio pic.twitter.com/27ZGJ6F0pd

— Richard Marsh (@Zabadda) December 2, 2018

If you also have some comments on the show, you can talk to us via Twitteron GitLab or by joining the Sixgun Discord and talking to us directly.

Thanks to Bytemark for graciously providing bandwith for this podcast.

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