GNR 58 - The Fab Triad

Mike, Dave and Fab discuss the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the Uber self-driving car accident. And of course, there’s Warhammer 40K talk.

Fab discovers that in Denmark, they also watch Dinner for One religiously on New Years. Mike and Fab then have to explain this concept to the Brit in the room.

Dave’s despairing over his Pixel C at last. Fab recommends he buy a real man’s laptop.

In this episode we, uncharacteristically, talk about the news.

The AI cars have started killing people.

 And then there’s this business with Cambridge Analytica.

BREAKING: New details about Aleksandr Kogan's research. A different personality quiz he was using to pull @facebook data via its API in St Petersburg in summer 2014. To measure – gulp – the "dark triad": psychopathy, narcissism, machiavellianism

— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) March 20, 2018

We give an update on our #4Feldherren plans and end the show by addressing your feedback. A discussion between Halefa and Jonathan M. H. was particularly funny. We also found some video games that have worse names than Divinity: Original Sin II. Some examples:

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Exactly three hours after I release a @geeknewsradio episode: Hero @NiklasMM creates a meme encapsulating exactly what I felt recording said episode. I love you, man! WE HAVE THE BEST LISTENERS!

— Fabian A. Scherschel (@fabsh) March 11, 2018

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