GNR 56 - Terrible at Torpedoes

Dave has been playing World of Warships and Fab reviews Subnautica. We also discuss how The Orville stacks up against Star Trek: Discovery.

Fab has started a German PC games podcast with his mate Martin. It is called Kantenglättung Deluxe. They are aiming to release a show every month.

FOSS Talk Live tickets are on sale right now. Dave will be there, Fab probably not since he’s a fucking slacker.

We start the show off with some news:

 Firefox is starting to promote sponsored pages.

 Ubuntu is collecting more user data and apparently everyone is outraged.

These flight sim devs are stealing your passwords if you pirate their planes. German story from Fab (falls du Deutsch sprichst).

In the next segment, we pitch Star Trek: Discovery against The Orville. We both like Discovery, but Dave isn’t very hot on The Orville. Surprisingly, Fab likes both series. They definitely have their flaws, though and we thoroughly talk through these.

Dave has been playing World of Warships and talks about his torpedo woes.

Meanwhile, Fab has put a good 30 hours in Subnautica so he reviews it. Not only is it beautiful, it also has a very engaging story told in a very reasonable way.

In other news, Fab has submitted a story pitch to Black Library.

Well. This morning I took @WarlordGuymer's advice and just did it. I've submitted a 40K detective story to Black Library. Wish me luck.

— Fabian A. Scherschel (@fabsh) January 31, 2018

As usual, we end the show with your feedback. Thanks for sending us messages!

Fab (played by Tom Hardy) and Dave (played by his Labrador).

Number One Fan Niklas sends us this amazing picture referencing the latest episode:

Maybe a curveball for @geeknewsradio ? Interesting stuff!

— Mike Mullan-Jensen (@MstevnsMJ) February 2, 2018


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