Mike, Fab and Dave discuss the changes coming to Warhammer 40K with 8th Edition, review Dawn of War III and talk current events in the Elite Dangerous galaxy.

Mike, Fab and Dave discuss the changes coming to Warhammer 40K with 8th Edition, review Dawn of War III and talk current events in the Elite Dangerous galaxy.

First of all, Fab and Dave discuss the new Ghost in the Shell movie – it’s been so long, Dave has already forgotten he’s seen it.

We then discuss with Mike the changes coming to Warhammer 40,000 with the Gathering Storm and 8th Edition. Will 40K get similar books to the battletomes in Age of Sigmar? What are they doing to the galaxy?

Fab reviews Dawn of War III, which he’s played for a bit.

In the second big part of the show, Mike and Fab discuss their love for Elite Dangerous and try to convert Dave away from EVE. Fab explains what the recent Salomé event was all about.

Who is Harry Potter and why is he such a dick? Mike explains how he was killed by him… twice. And also tells us other interesting tales from wilderness space.

Mike then drinks Tyrkisk Peber and reads funny Danish sentences to scare Dave off the show.

Rødgrød med fløde.
At plukke frugt med en brugt frugtplukker.
Fem flade flødeboller på et fladt flødebollefad.
Vestens vilde ville vide, hvad vestens hvide ville vide.

We end the show, as always, by answering your feedback.