Mike joins us for an impromptu Warhammer 40K lore chat and we discuss starting out in Elite Dangerous. Additionally, Dave and Mike recap the Sabaton gig in Dublin.

Mike joins us for an impromptu Warhammer 40K lore chat and we discuss starting out in Elite Dangerous. Additionally, Dave and Mike recap the Sabaton gig in Dublin.

As Dave continues to point out, we couldn’t do the show without Bytemark’s BigV.  We thank them very much.

What are we drinking this episode? Mike’s enjoying Gammel Dansk, while Dave has a whole battery of drinks ready. Some are even in his lap. Fab’s enjoying pints of G&T made with The Duke. He prefers Centauri Mega Gin, whenever possible, though. Also: the seed bunker is real.

Before we even start the show proper, Mike manages to rathole it with a huge discourse on The Master of Mankind and the nature of the Imperium of Man. This includes interesting tidbits of how the Albigensian Crusade and Château de Montségur relate to the 40K universe.

We are nominated for the Linux Questions “Linux/Open Source Podcast of the Year” award. Even though we aren’t a Linux podcast by a long shot. It’s hilarious! In other news, PETA is going after Games Workshop because of all the animal skins on Warhammer models. We think they are actually serious as well. Comedy gold. You can’t make this shit up!

Dave and Mike talk about their trip to see Sabaton in Dublin. Mike accidentally discovers the perfect Sabaton concert shoes in the process.

Mike has bought Elite Dangerous and Fab tries to recruit him for the Hutton Truckers. We also talk about the upcoming character creator and multicrew features. In the meantime, Star Citizen is forging ahead as well.

We end the show with your feedback, which involves this graph.