This episode has it all: EVE Online, Stellaris, Dawn of War, politics and even a review of the Captain America movie.

This episode has it all: EVE Online, Stellaris, Dawn of War, politics and even a review of the Captain America movie.

Obama is gone, Isernhagen has peace once again. Fab took this picture of Air Force One as it flew by his flat:

Air Force One in final approach to Langenhagen Airport (EDDV). #HannObama

— Fabian A. Scherschel (@fabsh) April 24, 2016

Breaking news: Apparently Trump can’t be stopped now. In more positive news, Dawn of War III has been announced and we are feeling the hype.

Dave regales us with his latest adventures in EVE Online. He’s been building a citadel and has bought a Caracal. We also talk about the Rokh and the Jackdaw. After all the EVE love, Dave gives his impressions on Captain America: Civil War, which he found to be rather meh.

FOSS Talk Live is sold out but we want you to come anyway.

Fab talks about the Panama Papers and the TTIP leak and what he thinks is wrong with all of it. We also debate the curious case of Craig Wright and why his claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto are probably bullshit. Fab then goes completely fanboy about Stellaris, which he only found out about recently. You should read their developer diaries.

We end the show with your feedback. Join our Steam group if you want to play games with us. Full speed ahead!

Flood the tubes! We are getting ready for another @geeknewsradio episode!

— Fabian A. Scherschel (@fabsh) May 4, 2016

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