Issue #84 of the greatest comic related show on the Internet, the Geek Legacy Comic Corner Podcast, is here!

Jeff is on an international adventure, but fortunately Joey DiCarlo of the So Wizard Podcast joins us!

We review Avengers: Standoff - Welcome to Pleasant Hill Alpha #1, Green Lantern #50, Doctor Strange #6, Black Widow #1, Predator: Life and Death #1, and Red Hood and Arsenal #10.

Tyler and Joey both rant about people complaining about TV shows that no one is making them watch, and then both rave about the new Civil War trailer, featuring the first look at the MCU's Spider-Man. 

Finally, because both Tyler and Jeff are big advocates of Batman v Superman, we give Joey a chance to represent the views of those who aren't as excited!

Remember to follow us on Twitter @TheComicCorner as well as individually at@BatWithoutFear and @TheMightyJerd. Like us on Facebook to get in on all the comic book discussions and send us an email with your questions or comments to [email protected] and we will answer them on the podcast.

You can find Joey and his crew at, along with links to their social media, movie reviews, articles and more!

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