Geek is Chic is a podcast where technology is fashionable and practical. In episode 29, iPhone this - iPod Touch that ..., We discuss the many things we talk about the fun of iPhones and iPod Touches. Here's the show notes for that episode of the podcast.

Geek News
$99 iPhone through ATT

Podcast Recommendation
Bagel Tech News

iPhone Apps this, iPod Touch that ...

* firemail
* Lists free


* Mobile translator
* google mobile app
* units
* urbanspoon

Social Media

* facebook
* twinkle
* myspace
* fring


* sng golf
* ibowl
* tap tap revenge
* Pacman Lite
* Maze Finger

Video and Music

* Joost
* iheart radio
* Shazam


* stanza
* peanut butter jelly time!
* Fox Sports Mobile
* iTalk recorder

Which do you own, and iPhone or an iPod Touch?
What are your favorite features?
Have you jailbroken it?
What is your favorite application?


Website Recommendation
App Shopper

Geek In You
Geek Is Chic is a podcast where technology is fashionable and practical. One of our favorite things is to interact with you. Be a part of the show, and share the geek in you, with me!

Let's hit the Google labs ...
What is your favorite addition to the google labs?
What do you think of the addition of video and voice chat in G Chat?
Do you like the new theme options?
Is there any option for customization that you'd like google to add?

The show ended with the Kati Mac's rendition of Auld Lang Syne Special thanks to my friends at Ariel Publicity.

Leave us a comment
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