CLEVER TITLE PENDING presents authors Cindy Koepp and Charles F. Millhouse this week.

They talk about their books, the writing process and a bit about themselves.

Host Brian K. Morris brings personality and fun with in-depth interviews and interaction with his friends and fans! 

This is the replay from the May 19, 2020 livestream event. 

Connect with authors Cindy Koepp and Charles F. Millhouse

Cindy Koepp writes Science Fiction, Game Lit., Fantasy and more. Visit her author page for all of her titles and don't forget to subscribe to her newsletter at

Charles F. Millhouse is the author of 22 books. In 2012 Charles published the first of his highly successful new pulp series, Captain Hawklin and the Skyhook Pirates. He's very active on Facebook and please subscribe to his newsletter as well at Stormgate Press!


*** More about Brian K. Morris ***

During the "Great Pause" Brian has been hosting a daily show called Nevermind the Furthermore on Facebook and YouTube. He is an author, editor and force behind Rising Tide Publications