Imposter Syndrome. We all deal with it in one capacity or another, whether it is in a professional or creative capacity. We feel unsure. We feel like we don't belong. Sometimes we feel like we don't deserve the accolades of our work. WHY?


Brian K. Morris hosts a panel with Luke Stone of Luke Stone Studios, Karl Witsman, writer and humorist, and Meredith Loughran, content creator. They open up about their experience and struggle with Imposter Syndrome and how to overcome the voice of doubt.


Karl Witsman:

Luke Stone:

Meredith Loughran:


*** More about Brian K. Morris ***

Follow Brian K. Morris on YouTube and Facebook to enjoy the laughter, stories, and shout outs to his fans and guests. Brian's popular show Nevermind the Furthermore livestreams on Facebook and YouTube on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. He is an author, editor and force behind Rising Tide Publications