The Pride Pick of the Week is The MISSING: JJ Macfield & the Island of Memories! Sam's also been playing Trine 2 as she's on a platformer kick! Cody's features include both the Destiny Download and The Elder Scrolls Essentials as both games are dropping new content!

In the news, Cyberpunk 2077 will have a demo at Pax West and some people got to play Harry Potter: Wizards Unite a day early (but not Sam, cause her phone sucks).

And we have a listener question from Grune where we delve into the best and worst controllers!

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Twitter & Facebook: @geekheartgames or

Cody: @comicbookcody PSN: CaptainRedHood
Sam: @sksuvak. PSN: Gizmoto_16 Xbox: Gizmoto16