It's our 13th episode and we recorded on a Friday...there's a bit of creepiness... The Friday the 13th single-player challenges have just been released so we can practice to become our best Jason's! We've just started a storefront on ( so now you can get Geek Heart Games T-Shirts!

We just wrapped Geek is the New Black our A Way Out playthrough and talk about our time with the game. There will be SPOILERS for A Way Out starting at 18:56 running through 23:40. Please skip that if you haven't finished the game!! We've also tried out the H1Z1 and Onrush betas on ps4. In the news, Nintendo has cloud streaming games and we aren't sure that's a good thing. We've got Battlefield V reactions and have a moment of remembrance for Total Biscuit who recently passed away. We celebrate the release of the Xbox adaptive controller, which was developed with the help of Able Gamers to help make gaming more accessible to everyone! If you would like to help get these new controllers to the people who need them, you can donate to Able Gamers at

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Twitter & Facebook: @geekheartgames

Cody: @comicbookcody

Sam: @sksuvak