This week in a Geek Heart Games first...Cody's played a sports game - NHL 18, and he's been making some serious progress in Hollow Knight! Sam faces her nemesis when she tries The Crew 2 Beta, and has been having a blast with the hilarious West of Loathing and Elder Scrolls Legends. Our duo has widely different opinions on Captain Toad Treasure Tracker. We go through the latest free games from PS Plus and Games with Gold...and we'd like to request that Playstation stop pushing the Quantic Dreams games on us please. We've got a quick segment on speedruns we've seen on Games Done Quick's summer event. AND OVERWATCH'S NEW HERO IS AN ADORABLE HAMSTER!!! We round things out with a few listener questions - thanks to everyone who wrote in!

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Twitter & Facebook: @geekheartgames or

Cody: @comicbookcody. PSN: CaptainRedHood. Xbox: IRONBuckeye8

Sam: @sksuvak. PSN: Gizmoto_16. Xbox: Gizmoto16. Gizmoto16#1887

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