NOTE: This week we had some audio issues and had to use our backup audio for a portion in the middle of the podcast. Sorry!

This week, we've been watching Captain Marvel & the Umbrella Academy. Cody visited a real-life arcade and had a dream come true getting to play the Halo Fireteam Raven game. Sam tried out Quantum Break and the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remaster. In the news, Back 4 Blood was announced as a new IP from the Left 4 Dead developers and Battlefield V reveals the Battle Royale mode Firestorm trailer.

[email protected]
Twitter & Facebook: @geekheartgames or

Cody: @comicbookcody PSN: CaptainRedHood
Sam: @sksuvak. PSN: Gizmoto_16 Xbox: Gizmoto16