It was the best of updates, it was the worst of updates. Destiny 2 had an update. We have widely differing opinions. Also this week, your Geek Heart family has started playing D&D. We recap our good times so far! Sam raves about how cool Ryse: Son of Rome is (available on Game Pass). We bitch a little about the Private (pay to play) Beta trend (Fallout 76 - we're lookin' at you), but we're A OK with paying extra to access content early (Division 2). Microsoft is doing everything right with their new Xbox All Access program. And who knew that everything on Xbox Game Preview wasn't free? (I'm guessing a lot of people knew - but we didn't until Day Z was announced for $40).

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Twitter & Facebook: @geekheartgames or

Cody: @comicbookcody. PSN: CaptainRedHood. Xbox: IRONBuckeye8

Sam: @sksuvak. PSN: Gizmoto_16. Xbox: Gizmoto16. Gizmoto16#1887

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