Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know the author Judy Blume. Now streaming on Amazon Prime is Judy Blume Forever, a documentary that takes readers inside the life of Blume and her incredible works. We had the chance to sit down for an interview with director Leah Wolchok to learn more about the …

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know the author Judy Blume. Now streaming on Amazon Prime is Judy Blume Forever, a documentary that takes readers inside the life of Blume and her incredible works. We had the chance to sit down for an interview with director Leah Wolchok to learn more about the documentary and Judy Blume herself.

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Interview With Director Leah Wolchok

We both grew up reading Judy Blume’s books. Jana even shared a story about her own Blume moment that is sure to make Judy proud. So it was a pleasure to speak with one of the directors who set out to bring Judy’s incredible story to life.

We asked about what it was like working with the legendary author and if anything was surprising about her story. Spoiler, the surprising thing happens to be one of the most emotional aspects of the documentary.

And as crazy as it seems, book banning is once again making its rounds. Judy Blume has been there and done that. Fortunately, she has the wisdom to share with us all. Wolchock spoke on the timeliness of this documentary and what is happening to authors today.

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About Judy Blume Forever

Author Judy Blume changed the way millions of readers understood themselves, their sexuality, and what it meant to grow up. But her honesty led her to critical battles against book banning and censorship as many tried to silence her voice.

With humor, sensitivity, and a healthy dose of adolescent cringe, Judy Blume Forever tells the story of the woman whose trail-blazing books changed the way millions of readers understand themselves, their sexuality, and what it means to grow up.

The post S4E6: Interview With Director Leah Wolchok appeared first on Geek Girls Universe.