Welcome back Marvel fans! What If season 1 is now streaming on Disney+. Sorry we were behind on this recording, this is what happens when you travel to Disney World for their 50th Celebration! But we couldn’t just let these two episodes go without discussing them. And actually, it worked out that we combined the …

The post S3E10: What If Episodes 8 and 9 Breakdown & Easter Eggs appeared first on Geek Girls Universe.

Welcome back Marvel fans! What If season 1 is now streaming on Disney+. Sorry we were behind on this recording, this is what happens when you travel to Disney World for their 50th Celebration! But we couldn’t just let these two episodes go without discussing them. And actually, it worked out that we combined the two because they were EPIC.

“What If… Ultron Won?” and “What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath? Let’s get into it.

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So this is your spoiler warning if you haven’t seen episodes 8 & 9 of What If…?

What If Episodes 8 & 9 Breakdown

What If Episode 8

Black Widow and Hawkeye are fighting to take down a group of Ultron’s robotic army. Hawkeye has a cloaking device and a robotic arm, clearly something went very wrong in this timeline- Ultron won. With the power of the Mind Stone and the synthetic body meant for Vision, he was able to quickly takeover the entire planet. This is where we take a moment to remind you this was all Tony Stark’s fault.

Thanos shows up because he needs the Mind Stone. Quicker than Cap can save Avengers Assemble, Ultron cuts Thanos down. Literally. Now with all the stones, Ultron travels to other worlds to also eliminate their populations.

Related: What If Episode 8 Easter Eggs & Breakdown

Unfortunately, this new god-like status he has gained thanks to the stones also reveals The Watcher to him. He is determined to attack The Watcher and travel to other timelines to cleanse them.

It’s up to Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Zola to defeat Ultron. The plan doesn’t work of course because Ultron is not in this universe. However, The Watcher pulls a Hail Mary and asks Dr. Strange Supreme to help him stop Ultron from destroying ALL realities.

Related: Best Quotes from Marvel’s What If

What If Episode 9

Guardians of the Multiverse Assemble! The Watcher has traveled to various timelines to pull out some of the heroes (and villains) we have met throughout the season. Party Thor, Captain Carter, Star-Lord T’Challa, and even Killmonger makes the cut. You know who doesn’t? Tony Stark. *insert laughter here*

The team makes a plan to lure Ultron to a planet and separate his body from the stones. Thor draws his attention and the fight begins. There is a lot going on in this scene but one of our favorite moments is when Strange brings in the Zombies. Wanda’s wicked cool Zombie self makes a cameo.

Related: What if Episode 9 Easter Eggs & Breakdown

They get the Soul Stone away from him but he uses the Time Stone against them. Strange Supreme grabs Ultron with his tentacles and uses his own Time Stone to break the cycle. Why does Strange’s stone work when outside of their timelines the stones don’t work? We have some thoughts.

Zola is uploaded into Ultron and the day is saved. Just kidding. Zola is a bad guy and wants to enjoy this new powerful life. Also not surprising, Killmonger betrays them! The two baddies fight it out for control of the stones. Strange steps in and traps them both in his pocket dimension, forever guarding them so they can’t harm anyone else. Until Season 2 probably.

Each hero goes back to their timelines except Widow. Her timeline is destroyed. Instead, she is reinstated into the timeline from Episode 3 where Loki and his army are having a lot of fun.

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All the episodes of What If are now available on Disney+.

The post S3E10: What If Episodes 8 and 9 Breakdown & Easter Eggs appeared first on Geek Girls Universe.