Every Thursday morning, Jenn Falik tells me what she’s buying and loving in her newsletter THE ULTIMATE EDIT. We have a lot of TUE and Gee Thanks! crossover which is my most favorite thing ever — we compare notes. Jenn dives into all of her fav products as of late and maybe most importantly, reveals the trendiest sunscreen in tween bunks across America this summer.

ICYMI, Jackie and I launched a Patreon! We’d love to see you there: www.patreon.com/justoneepisode 

Follow along with recs (and share your own via DM) on the “Gee Thanks, Just Bought It!” Instagram: www.instagram.com/geethanksjustboughtitpod and shop all of our recs here: https://shoplist.us/geethanksjustboughtit and here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/geethanksjustboughtit 

Mentioned on the show:

Pomodoro Timer Clocks: https://amzn.to/2UzX4At and https://amzn.to/2WbOUi2 Sunbum Spray Sunscreen: https://amzn.to/3ASRc4O Pura Diffuser and Nest Fragrances: https://amzn.to/3D3JWF3 Bondi Boost: https://bondiboost.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpf2IBhDkARIsAGVo0D3c3M9DGi6QL-VSUqwX90vSCvRXZ_HNOfVsVgrXEpI99grOUwFW8_kaAtVyEALw_wcB Cover Your Assets: https://amzn.to/3D7dNMO The Ultimate Edit: https://jennfalik.com/the-ultimate-edit-picks 

Subscribe to Flavor of the Week, a weekly newsletter featuring one product we love, why we love it, and where you can get it. It’s free! https://geethanks.substack.com/p/hello-flavor-of-the-week 

As always, reach me at [email protected], @geethanksjustboughtitpod on Instagram, or leave me a message at 424-245-0736. 

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