GDPR Now! brought to you by This is DPO.
Episode 1 – GDPR One Year On.
About this episode:
One year on, what’s GDPR looking like inside most companies. Is an ongoing thing, or is privacy a one-off? What’s the most effective form of governance, and what’s the role of DPOs in that mix? Plus lots of related issues.
Guest: James Leaton Gray, Director of The Privacy Practice.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 7740 818036
Host: Mark Sherwood-Edwards of This Is DPO.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 7748 761972
Material referred to:
Tim Berners Lee’s company
The Furman report
The Economic Value of Data: Discussion Paper, HM Treasury, August 2018, and Unlocking Digital Competition: Report of the Digital Competition Expert Panel March 2019.
Contact details
You can contact the show at [email protected].
If you have questions, comments, suggestions for topics, or would like to appear on the show, please contact us on the email above.

GDPR Now! brought to you by This is DPO.

Episode 1 – GDPR One Year On.

About this episode:

One year on, what’s GDPR looking like inside most companies. Is an ongoing thing, or is privacy a one-off? What’s the most effective form of governance, and what’s the role of DPOs in that mix? Plus lots of related issues.

Guest: James Leaton Gray, Director of The Privacy Practice.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 7740 818036

Host: Mark Sherwood-Edwards of This Is DPO.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 7748 761972

Material referred to:

Tim Berners Lee’s company

The Furman report

The Economic Value of Data: Discussion Paper, HM Treasury, August 2018, and Unlocking Digital Competition: Report of the Digital Competition Expert Panel March 2019.

Contact details

You can contact the show at [email protected].

If you have questions, comments, suggestions for topics, or would like to appear on the show, please contact us on the email above.