Discover the entrepreneurial journey of Sneh Kadakia, founder and CEO of from HERE, as she shares insights honed through adversity and triumph. Explore the intricacies of managing a coworking space with a coffee shop attachment amidst business fires and partner separations. With recognition from Forbes and Bloomberg, Sneh embodies the spirit of innovation, proudly representing New Jersey.


Learn from Sneh's expertise in differentiation strategies, essential for thriving in a competitive market. Delve into the burgeoning trend of non-traditional coworking spaces and the significance of catering to diverse audiences for fostering customer loyalty. Amidst challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, Sneh offers practical advice on business expansion and cost management.


Uncover Sneh's personal journey and the wisdom she would impart to her younger self. Don't miss out on her inspiring reflections and invaluable guidance for fellow entrepreneurs. Join Liz and Sneh in this exploration of the entrepreneurial mindset and the resilience needed in today's ever-changing business landscape!