In this compelling episode, delve into the success story of one of the co-founders of the thriving Australian brand, The Commons. Discover how 2023 marked the pinnacle of his professional career, rising above the challenges of the grind that preceded it. Uncover the unexpected benefits of COVID for The Commons, as they secured six lease deals, including a prime building in Australia, all amidst the pandemic.

Witness the remarkable speed at which they're filling spaces and achieving numbers that leave other operators envious. Join us to explore the unique strategies employed by Cliff and his partner Tom, gaining insights into what sets them apart. Gain candid insights into their harmonious partnership, a rare gem in the business world, as Cliff shares the secrets to their conflict-free collaboration.

Embark on a journey through Cliff's origin story, including candid admissions of mistakes made along the way. He generously imparts key insights and significant numbers, aiming to empower and inspire others in the industry. Don't miss out on this special episode – tune in, and be sure to share it with your community for a dose of inspiration!