Tanya DePass has the distinct talent to somehow inspire, inform, and entertain simultaniously. How does she do it? What made her so incredible? Matt tries to get to the bottom of it as he interviews her for this episode of … Continue reading →

Tanya DePass has the distinct talent to somehow inspire, inform, and entertain simultaniously. How does she do it? What made her so incredible? Matt tries to get to the bottom of it as he interviews her for this episode of Cast A Day!

How can you support the #INeedDiverseGames movement? It’s simple! Follow Tanya on Twitter both at @CypherofTyr and her team at @INeedDivGms. Take a look at her always entertaining Twitch channel. Then, subscribe to both the Fresh Out of Tokens and The Chromatic Life podcasts. If you need further inspiration, check out her wonderful piece in Uncanny Magazine right here. Tanya also wrote a piece on Medium regarding the backlash on black characters in recent game announcements. She’s got a Patreon (as does the INDG team) if you’d like to subscribe, a GoFundMe for travel expenses, and last but not least, buy one of the soft and snazzy #INeedDiverseGames t-shirts right here.

Got an idea for a topic? Heck, wanna Skype in to be featured on an episode of the show? Tweet #CastADay to Matt here: @GCPDMatt

Subscribe to the podcast directly in iTunes, or listen in iTunes. You can also submit a review here.  



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