Previous Episode: 019 Gut Health and Healing
Next Episode: 022 Conservative Again?

In a world where women can do everything that men can do, I decided to explore whether they should... 

While I have always considered myself to be an egalitarian feminist- I believe that women should have all of the same rights under the law that men do - I can't help but wonder how our western world has changed as women grew in economic staying power. 


My personal goals have always been centered around the care for my family, which has now narrowed to my children, but that has clearly become a more difficult focus to have as the cards are ever stacking against the traditional family and traditional mothering. 

Will more women give up their "boss babe" status in an attempt to nurture their children in the most intimate and meaningful way possible? 

I sure do hope so. What do you think? 


@brittanie jay on Facebook