Read by Drew Ray
Theology Fun Facts by Ella-Kate Ray

Sun, Moon, Stars
If we compare Genesis 1:14 and 16 we see employed the literary device known
as chiasm. A chiasm is a literary device in which parallel ideas or terms are pres-
ented in a sandwich form instead of normal parallelism; that is, ABCDDCBA instead
of AABBCCDD. The use of chasm, which helps bring out the particular symbolic
associations of sun, moon, and stars:

A.14. Let them be for signs
    B.14. And for festival times
        C.14. And for days and years
        C'16. The greater light to govern the day
    B' 16. And the lesser light to govern the night
A' 16. The stars also

The stars (A) are primarily associated with astral symbolism. The moon (B) is associated with appointed festivals, which began in the evening and were removed in the New Covenant. The sun (C) is associated with days and years.
