Without doubt, Jimmy Jones is the biggest British comedy star never to have had his own television series. For five decades, Jimmy has been Britain’s most successful live comedian – performing around 275 sell-out live shows every year.

Jimmy’s life in comedy is the subject of Garry’s show tonight – and what a life it has been.  Summoned by Michael Jackson to his suite at the Dorchester... swapping gags with Prince Philip... pouring brandy for Princess Margaret out of a teapot... performing for some of Britain's most notorious gangsters...  Jimmy  is very much in the vulgar but popular tradition of Max Miller... which isn’t surprising, since it was a youthful encounter with Max that inspired him to go into show business!

The Beatles. Dudley Moore. Tom Selleck. The Rolling Stones. Iron Maiden. Pink Floyd, Benny Hill. They’re all fans, most  have been friends, and Jimmy has hilarious tales to tell.  An unforgettable, uncensored show about a true comedy legend – and a little piece of British social history.


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