Jim Davidson gives his first major interview since winning Celebrity Big Brother!

Cockney comic Jim Davidson was written off as a dinosaur by a younger breed of middle class stand-ups. Falsely suspected of all the "isms", Tory-backing, troops-loving, womanising Jim had been sacked by the BBC and snubbed by TV.

And when he was arrested by Operation Yewtree in January 2012... well, it seemed that after four explosive and lucrative decades of fame, Davidson was finally finished.

Media commentators queued up to dance on what they saw as the grave of his career.

But then in rapid succession the charges were dropped - Jim entered the Celebrity Big Brother house and - against the odds - he won the series with the biggest vote in the show's history!

The public rallied behind him and Jim Davidson was reinvented as a star for a new generation.

So who is the real Jim Davidson?

Is really the monster that the Ben Elton generation of comics tried to make out?

On tonight’s Garry Bushell Show, you can meet this comedy legend and make up your own mind.

Up close and personal, he opens his heart about the hurt and frustration of his nightmare year - revealing how the Conservative Party let him down... and naming the one politician who rallied behind him.

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