Sunday the 7th of June 2020

The news headlines:

Join Tonight @ 8 on Monday

Respond to Ofcom EMF consultation

IARU paper on digital device noise

As another part of its national ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign with the NHS, the RSGB is launching a new series of bi-weekly live webinars. The series is called Tonight @ 8 and will start on Monday the 15th of June. The webinars will be live-streamed each week, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online. They will cover a range of topics so whether you’ve just gained your Foundation licence, are looking for something new to try, or simply want to be up to date with the latest amateur radio ideas and technology, there will be something for everyone. The Society will release the live-stream details next week but in the meantime, you can find out more about the first four webinars on the special Tonight @ 8 web page,

Now is the last chance to submit your response to the Ofcom consultation on Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, or EMF, to meet the closing date of the 12th of June. The RSGB’s own response to the Ofcom Consultation has been added ahead of this deadline to the EMF page at In summary, the RSGB appreciates the need for the ICNIRP guidelines but cannot support the proposals from Ofcom that are onerous. It is felt that the proposals could result in double regulation and are not proportionate to the risk. Instead, the RSGB recommends a more appropriate change to the existing amateur licence conditions referencing the 2020 ICNIRP Guidelines. The RSGB will also prepare its own guidance and training to help amateurs follow these ICNIRP guidelines.

IARU EMC specialists Tore Worren, LA9QL and Martin Sach, G8KDF have submitted a paper to CISPR concerning the increasing impact of multiple digital devices on the noise levels in the radio spectrum. The paper was considered at the CISPR Steering Committee in late May, and adopted for circulation to CISPR National Committee for comment as a Committee Draft, with a view to it becoming a CISPR Report. The IARU hopes that the result of this will be amendments to the way in which standards are developed, to recognise the need to properly consider the cumulative impact of multiple devices.

It is great to see amateur radio still being profiled on the wider media as the momentum of our ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign with the NHS continues to grow. This week RSGB Board Director Mike Bruce; Region 11 Representative Dean Brice; and Warrington Amateur Radio Club were all featured – go to the RSGB’s media coverage web page to find the links: Thank you to everyone who is showing their support by getting on the air, caring for other radio amateurs and trying new aspects of amateur radio. More details about the campaign and stories from clubs and radio amateurs can be seen on the RSGB website at

One from the history books now. On the 14th of June 1959 Leon Ward, G5NF made an AM contact with I1KDB in Naples using the 144MHz band. Leon was based in Fareham, Surrey, at IO91OF. At that time, it was a new World Record for that band, at 1084 miles. In January 2020, the record was set at 2963 miles in a contact between D41CV and GM0EWX.

The first Youngsters On The Air online session took place on the 28th of May. The successful session gathered more than 500 viewers from almost all of the continent. If you didn’t have the chance to join the live event or just want to see all of it again, you can watch the recording of the event on the YouTube channel

Now the special event news

Since the change of regulations applying to special event stations in the UK, many activations are now able to go ahead. UK amateurs would like to thank Ofcom for their help in making this happen.

The Royal Air Force Air Cadets is pleased to announce that the next Exercise Blue Ham will be held on the MoD 5MHz shared band over the weekend of the 6th and 7th of June. There are plenty of callsigns available for amateurs to contact over the period of the exercise using both SSB voice and data modes. Details can be found at

Due to the coronavirus situation, the GB1SCW special event station will no longer be held at the National Coast Watch station in Shoreham by Sea on the 7th of June. To make a presence and celebrate the work of Coastal Communities, members of Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club can call from their own station locations.

GB100MZX will be operated by Chelmsford ARS to celebrate the landmark broadcast made by Dame Nellie Melba on the 15th of June 1920 and will be on air between the 13th and 20th of June. MZX was the callsign of the 1920 15kW Marconi transmitter at Marconi New Street Works in Chelmsford, Essex where it happened.

Now the contest news

Please remember to check before the events for new rules due to lockdown and social distancing, which may differ around the world. RSGB strongly advises obeying your own government’s advice first and foremost.

As previously announced, the RSGB confirms that this weekend’s National Field Day event has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 situation. The 144MHz Backpackers contest scheduled for next Sunday, the 14th is also cancelled.

The SEANET contest ends its 24 hours run at 1200UTC on the 7th. Using CW and SSB on the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number.

The UK Microwave Group Low Band contest runs from 1000 to 1600UTC today, the 7th of June. Using all modes on the 1.3, 2.3 and 3.4GHz bands, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Tuesday the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1800 to 1955UTC. It is followed by the all-mode 432MHz UK Activity Contest. The exchange for both is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the 80m Club Championships CW leg runs from 1900 to 2030UTC. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

Also on Wednesday is the UK EI Contest Club Summer Series, running from 1800 to 1900UTC. Using FT4 only on the 80m band, the exchange is your 6-character locator.

On Thursday the 50MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 2130UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Next weekend from 1200 UTC on the 13th to 1800UTC on the 14th, the IARU ATV contest is on the 432MHz and up bands. The exchange is a picture report, serial number, your four-digit code and locator.

The World Wide South America Contest runs from Saturday 1500UTC on the 13th to 1500UTC on the 14th. It’s CW only on the 80 to 10m contest bands, with full rules at

The Practical Wireless 2m QRP contest runs from 0900 to 1600UTC next Sunday, the 14th. It’s phone only on the 2m band, with an exchange of signal report, serial number and locator.

EIDXG is running a Summer Challenge as a fun event from the 1st of June to the 30th of August. Simply work as many unique DXCCs, CQ Worked all Zones, participating EIDXG members and 32 Irish counties as possible. Full information at

The UK Six Metre Group’s Summer Marathon runs until the 2nd of August. Using all modes on the 50MHz band, the exchange is your 4-character locator.

And finally, join the fun of the next round of RSGB Hope QSO Party on weekdays. See

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO on Friday the 5th of June.

Well, the excitement of Sporadic-E propagation continued last week. There were extensive openings on 20 to 10 metres, which resulted in very short-skip openings at times. Paul, GM4ULS in Perth reports working lots of G stations on the South Coast of England on 20 metres on Wednesday and the skip ran as short as a QSO into Northampton. He said, “At about 1320UTC the short skip lengthened slightly, and I began to attract stations in France and Belgium.” This just goes to show that Sporadic-E can affect all the higher HF bands. It is often seen on ionogram plots as flat reflections from the E layer about 95-100km, and a critical frequency of more than 10MHz. It often blocks signals from reaching the F2 layer, leaving gaps in the critical frequency plots on

There has also been some F2-layer propagation around. Paul, GM4ULS also worked Jim, E51JD in the South Pacific on 20 metres on Thursday at 0634UTC. Jim featured in last week's report as well.

The promised active sunspot region that was supposed to rotate into Earth’s view last week didn’t amount to much, but another sunspot group numbered 2765, has subsequently appeared. It is a sign that sunspot cycle 25 is starting to crank up. The solar X-Rays from this Cycle 25 spot appeared to be fairly stable on Thursday, but that could change.

Next week NOAA predicts the solar flux index will remain around 70. The Sun may also remain quite quiet geomagnetically due to a lack of coronal holes and NOAA has the Kp index pegged at two all week. Hopefully, the Sporadic-E season will continue giving plenty of short-skip and multi-hop activity on HF.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

The present shift of focus to unsettled weather has now taken place and from now through next week, the general theme is for this showery weather type to remain with us. This will mean that rain scatter is a good mode of choice for the microwave bands. Make use of the various radar displays to see where the nearest reflecting storms might be.

Tropo will be a rarity during this period, although there are signs of high pressure to the northwest of Britain later next week and one model even suggests a new high forming over the country next weekend, but it's at a long lead time and much could change before then.

Now onto Sporadic-E, which has produced stunning results recently. Although it's taken a step back, as I write this on Wednesday, I’m sure other good days are out there for us during the next week, and there will be plenty of jet streams on the charts to provide the triggers. Check the bands mid-morning and late afternoon or early evening for signs of activity and you should catch most of the openings.

The Moon is at minimum declination today, the 7th, and the consequent Moon peak elevation is accompanied by very high 144MHz sky temperatures. Unfortunately, we are now entering a period of the lunar cycle where low path losses start to coincide with low declination. This continues to get worse until July 2022, when apogee, that’s highest loss, coincides with maximum declination. Perigee and highest declination don’t coincide again until May 2026.

June continues to be an active time for meteor scatter operations, and the daytime Areitids shower peaks today.

And that’s all from the propagation team this week.