GB2RS News

Sunday the 7th of January 2024

The news headlines:

RSGB Regional Team vacancies
RSGB volunteer interviewed by the BBC
RSGB National Radio Centre seeks to expand its team of volunteers


The news team and all the staff at RSGB HQ would like to wish our newsreaders, listeners and online readers a very happy New Year. We would like to remind everyone that we always welcome your news, by email, to [email protected] and the deadline is 10 am sharp on Thursday mornings. The GB2RS script is usually uploaded to the RSGB website by 4.30 pm each Friday afternoon.

Are you interested in supporting your local radio amateurs and promoting amateur radio where you live? The RSGB Regional Team has eight Regional Representative vacancies across the UK where you could make a difference. Last year, Regional Reps got involved in a variety of activities including British Science Week and YOTA Month to help spread the word about amateur radio in their regions. If you have the passion to do this, go to the RSGB website at to find out how to apply. The deadline for applications is the 31st of January.

It was great to hear RSGB volunteer Peter Marcham, G3YXZ on BBC Radio Oxford on New Year's Day. Peter volunteers at the RSGB National Radio Centre, as well as being a tour guide at Bletchley Park. He spoke to radio presenter Sophie Law about his volunteering after sending the words "Bletchley Park Guide" to a three-word, text-in feature on why listeners were up early on New Year's Day. Search for Sophie Law on BBC Sounds, choose the New Year’s Day programme and listen from 2 hours, 11 minutes, and 25 seconds.

There is so much happening at the RSGB National Radio Centre that it needs to expand its team of volunteers! If you can volunteer on a Friday or Saturday, you will be particularly welcome. The NRC has a fabulous set-up, and full training on using the GB3RS radio station will be given. You should enjoy meeting people and be able to volunteer for one or two days per month as part of a friendly and dedicated team. NRC volunteers also enjoy numerous benefits associated with volunteering at Bletchley Park. For more information, please email NRC Coordinator Martyn Baker, G0GMB via [email protected]

We have received the sad news that both Mick Senior, G4EFO and Martyn Vincent, G3UKV have become Silent Keys recently. Mick was a former Regional Representative for Region 10, and the keeper of a number of local repeaters. Martyn was the District Representative for Shropshire, North Worcestershire and West Birmingham. Previously, he volunteered for the RSGB as the Regional Representative for Region 5 and as a member of the Nominations Committee. He was also a very well-respected member of the microwave and contesting communities. Our thoughts are with their families at this difficult time.

This year marks 150 years since the birth of Guglielmo Marconi in 1874. The Cornish Radio Amateur Club will be organising International Marconi Day this year on the 27th of April. For more information and updates, visit the GB4IMD Facebook page.

The RSGB’s RadCom team is looking for authors to contribute to the magazine. Previously unpublished features and articles are always welcome for consideration, and authors are paid for any content that is used. To contact the RadCom team please email [email protected]

And now for details of rallies and events

The Lincoln Short Wave Club Winter Radio Rally will take place on Sunday the 28th of January at The Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen, LN8 3HT. The doors will be open from 9 am and admission is £2. Ample free car parking and hot refreshments will be available. Tables cost £10 each. At 2 pm, after the Rally, there will be a used equipment auction. Items for the auction will be booked in from 1 pm. Contact Steve, M5ZZZ for tables and details via [email protected] or 07777 699 069.

The Canvey Rally will be held on Sunday the 4th of February at Cornelius Vermuyden School, Dinant Avenue, Canvey, Essex, SS8 9QS. The Rally is expected to be the usual hive of activity with plenty of traders on site. For more information contact Richard Stanley on 07725 551 263 or email [email protected] 

The MIDCARS Radioactive Rally will be held on Sunday the 11th of February at Nantwich Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich, CW5 5DG. The doors open at 10 am and admission is £5. There will be a wide variety of trader stalls covering every aspect of amateur radio. Raffles will be held throughout the Rally. Refreshments and snacks will be available in the hall and parking is immediately adjacent to the venue.

Now the Special Event News

Today, the 7th is the last chance to work special callsign EH5XMAS. The station is operated by members of Radio Club Lliria, EA5RCL in celebration of Christmas and the New Year. QSL via the bureau to EA5RCL, Logbook of the World and eQSL.

On the 14th of January 2024, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe the Second will abdicate and leave the throne to her son who will become His Majesty King Frederik the Tenth, when he is sworn in as the new King of Denmark. For this reason, amateur radio associations FRA and EDR will activate Special Event Stations within The Kingdom of Denmark including Greenland and the Faroe Islands. OZ24QUEEN will be active from 0000UTC on the 12th of January until 2359UTC on the 14th of January. OZ24KING will be active from 0000UTC on the 14th of January until 2359UTC on the 16th of January. These callsigns, and others, will be active on many amateur radio bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and several digital modes. All amateur bands and all modes may be used. For more information see

The Radio Club of Haïti is on the air until the 31st of January with special callsign HH220Y. The station is active to celebrate Haïti’s 220th anniversary of independence. Operators are active on the 160 to 10m bands using CW, FT8 and SSB. QSL via N2OO.

Now the DX news

Eric, F5LCX will be active as V5/F5LCX from Namibia until the 11th of January. He plans to operate with both mobile and fixed stations for a few hours on a daily basis – probably during the evening hours. QSL via Logbook of the World.

Brad, VK2BY will be active again as HS0ZNR from the Nam Yuen district in northeastern Thailand until the 14th of January. He will be QRV on the 160 to 10m bands. QSL directly to VK2BY and Logbook of the World.

Now the contest news

The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon began on Friday the 1st of December 2023. The contest will run until the 31st of January 2024. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report and locator.

The ARRL RTTY Roundup ends its two-day run today, Sunday the 7th of January, at 2359UTC. Using the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. American stations also send their state. Canadian stations send their province.

On Tuesday the 9th, the 432MHz FM Activity Contest runs from 1900 to 1955UTC. Using FM on the 70cm band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Also, on Tuesday the 9th, the 432MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 70cm band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the 10th, the 432MHz FT8 Activity four-hour Contest runs from 1700 to 2100UTC. Using FT8 on the 70cm band, the exchange is a report and four-character locator. Also on Wednesday the 10th, the 432MHz FT8 Activity two-hour Contest runs from 1900 to 2100UTC. Using FT8 on the 70cm band, the exchange is a report and four-character locator. Stations entering the four-hour contest may also enter the two-hour contest.

On Thursday the 11th, the 50MHz UK Activity Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Sunday the 14th, the RSGB Affiliated Societies 80 and 40m Datamodes Contest runs from 1300 to 1700UTC. Using PSK63 and RTTY, the exchange is signal report and serial number.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA, and G4BAO on Thursday the 4th of January 2024

Welcome to the first HF propagation report of 2024 – it looks like it will be business as usual!

A massive X5-class solar flare occurred on the 31st of December. Luckily, this happened at 2155UTC so didn’t affect the ionosphere over the UK. But it did launch a large coronal mass ejection, which was forecast to possibly hit the Earth on the 2nd of January. It looks like it largely missed us, although low-energy proton levels streaming past Earth continued to rise and were at the minor S1 radiation storm threshold on Wednesday the 3rd.

Had active region 3536 been directly facing Earth when the flare was observed, a stronger proton event and geomagnetic storm would have been very likely. Only minor HF signal degradation through the polar zones should be expected because of the minor S1 storm. So, it looks like we dodged the bullet again, but this is a warning that there could be more to come.

Otherwise, the solar flux index declined to the 140s over the Christmas period, although it looks like it may increase over the coming week.

NOAA predicts it could be in the range of 150 to 160 next week, with a maximum Kp index of 3 on Monday the 8th, or Tuesday the 9th. However, this could soon change if we have another solar flare and subsequent coronal mass ejection, which could see the Kp index rise two days later. So, make the most of HF when the Kp index is low!

Otherwise, the winter period is when the low bands, from 160 to 40m, come into their own. While solar maximum is not the best time for low-band propagation, there will still be plenty of DX to be worked. Generally speaking, winter is a good time for east-west paths on HF too.

Taking a closer look at 40 metres, the band should open for DX in an easterly direction during the late afternoon and towards the south at sunset. Paths during the afternoon may also include West Coast USA in mid-winter. Relatively local contacts should be possible during the day, as the critical frequency remains above 7MHz during daylight.

And now the VHF and up propagation news from G3YLA and G4BAO

A new year brings a change of weather type and, after some residual rainfall events at the tail end of the previous week, we should be seeing a marked improvement in the weather as high-pressure returns fairly generally across the country by this first weekend of January, ending today, the 7th.

This will remain near, or very close by, for much of the coming week and into the following weekend. It is good news for Tropo, initially over the North Sea towards southern Scandinavia and the Baltic region, but will probably change to favour the western side of Britain in the second half of the week. This is nice timing to coincide with the 70cm band RSGB contests during the week on Tuesday the 9th and Wednesday the 10th of January.

Up until the middle of the month, we should be alert to rare mid-winter sporadic-E propagation. With a very contorted jet stream pattern during the whole period, the chances are better than average. This is another piece of good timing for the 50MHz UK Activity Contest on Thursday the 11th.

We were going through the Quadrantids meteor shower as this report was being written, so this may provide a little boost to meteor scatter into some of the coming week. Rain scatter will be a rapidly diminishing option during the period as high pressure builds next week. The solar conditions continue to produce elevated Kp index events. So, again, check for auroral openings although, generally, aurora is usually better towards the Spring.

For EME, this week we see a negative Moon declination, falling to a minimum by Wednesday. So, Moon windows will be short and peak Moon elevation will be low. Path losses are also low, but we are still over a week away from perigee, the closest approach of the Moon to the Earth. 144MHz sky noise increases all week culminating in the Sun and Moon being close in the sky on the 11th.

And that’s all from the propagation team this week.