This is a run of Tales from the Low Cantrefs, a game currently in development by Luke Jordan of Games from the Wildwood ( It is a coming-of-age game in a hearth-fantasy world, inspired by stories such as Earthsea, Garth Nix's Old Kingdom, and the Chronicles of Prydain. This game is currently in playtest and this recording does not represent the full game. (Though it is in a good state and I accept full responsibility for any issues!)

This game is arranged through the Gauntlet Calendar. You can learn more about the Gauntlet online RPG community at This includes information on the Gauntlet produced podcasts, Codex - an RPG zine for indie games from OSR to story games, and signing up for games advertised on the calendar. Also, check out the forums at to chat and say hi!

In this first session we are introduced to the coastal village of Sindle, nestled between sea, mountains and woods, and some of its young inhabitants. Laurel the Bell, the eldest daughter of a well-to-do family of weavers who has the trust of her elders, if not the respect of her younger siblings. Her cousin, Cari the Loom, daughter of the village tanner, who is the recipient of visions from the future and a frequent visitor of the shrine to the Great Trees. And Gryf the Blade, a young man who dreams of fighting dragons as he helps support his mother, an incomer to the village, and definitely doesn't have feelings for Laurel. The trio venture into the snowbound woods in search of Arthur the Goat, but may be stepping into the jaws of disaster...

(This session is missing an introduction, but you can check out the CATS video in this playlist in which I describe the game)

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