This interview between Andrew Gaule, ( and Chris Noring, ( a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, covers how artificial intelligence is transforming businesses. See details and topics below. 
Chris's GenAI in Practice Newsletter
AI Programmes to build your AI and Business Skills.
The context of tech and business change featured in Andrew's book "Purpose to Performance: Innovative New Value Chains" and AI was discussed in this context. 

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Chris Noring and Andrew Gaule discuss Microsoft's pivot towards being an AI-first company through investments in models like OpenAI. Noring shares how he sees businesses moving away from search engine optimization to instead optimizing for AI assistants. He predicts the need for AI coaches similar to agile coaches to help companies adopt AI. Noring and Gaule explore the role of partnerships in AI adoption. They also debate approaches for measuring ROI and strategic value of AI investments. Overall, they are excited by the potential for AI to free up human time for more creative, strategic work. However, they emphasize that successful implementation requires change management and clear communication between technology partners and business stakeholders.

Leveraging AI to Transform Your Business
The core purpose for businesses adopting AI should be to integrate it in a way that augments human capabilities and transforms business models, rather than solely focusing on cost savings. AI can elevate human productivity and creativity. Companies should find opportunities for leveraging AI across all products and data sources.
The process for implementing AI requires starting with small experiments on discrete use cases where impact can be measured, before scaling across the organization. Hands-on workshops can show employees AI’s value and help them become comfortable interacting with systems using natural language prompts. Starting with no-code solutions allows for rapid prototyping.
A key requirement for successfully leveraging AI is change management and upskilling employees to effectively utilize these new tools. “AI coaches” will be crucial to help workers adapt, much as “agile coaches” emerged. Enhanced communication skills and clarity when providing prompts and requirements will drive optimal AI output.
AI adoption requires both business and technology partners. Communication partners can translate business needs while technical partners handle solution implementation. Look for partners with domain expertise in your industry who also understand core barriers to organizational change management. Vet partners thoroughly regarding data privacy and security.
Performance Measures:
The ROI of AI investments can be measured based on time savings and bottom line business performance where applicable. In some cases, AI competency is a strategic imperative for competitiveness. Set goals and KPIs early about what business objectives AI solutions will achieve. Continually assess how worker time is freed up to focus on more creative, strategic initiatives after AI automation.
With the right vision and preparation, AI technology offers enormous potential to transform businesses by enhancing human productivity and innovation. Following the strategies around purpose, process, people, partners and performance measurement outlined above will set your organization up for success.

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