Andrew Gaule ( discusses with Alan Gormley, founder of Shopbox AI the application Artificial Intelligence (AI) in retail, the growth of his venture and changing business models. See further details and summary below. 

For a book on corporate innovation and venturing see "Purpose to Performance - Innovative New Value Chains" by Andrew Gaule. ( )
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This interview provides an overview of Shopbox AI, a startup using AI to transform the retail experience by creating personalized stores tailored to each customer. CEO and founder Alan Gormley discusses Shopbox's founding, approach to AI, and journey over the past 3 years. Key topics include the importance of putting the customer first rather than pushing products, validated learning through early customer pilots, and the value of vertical AI depth versus horizontal breadth. The interview explores both the business and technical considerations in building retail AI.

Key Topics:
AI in retail
Main points: Huge opportunity to improve customer experience, but most retailers using simple recommendations focused on driving product. Shopbox aims to build personalized store tailored to each customer by truly listening.

Validated learning
Main points: Shopbox learned through early customer pilots, interviews, and feedback. Critical to experiment, try things, and prove what works rather than building in silo then releasing.

Main points: Key focus on fully automating Shopbox functionality so retailers don't have to change processes. Allows scaling up and down market. Critical for adoption.

Main points: Shopbox success dependent on putting customer at center and listening, not pushing products. Build for them, not merchandisers.

AI depth vs. breadth
Main points: Shopbox AI very deep in retail but focused only on that vertical. Avoid temptation to expand into other industries or build horizontal capability.

Team structure
Main points: Balanced business and technical team. AI as separate function to drive creativity. Avoid "hammer searching for nails" problem.

Learning from customers
Main points: Each customer provides learning to improve offering. Primary way to learn vs conferences/research.

Main points: Private investors, some from retail. Also funded by Enterprise Ireland. Valuable to have mix of financial and industry experience.

Main points: Business growth, revenue, conversion, AOV key metrics. But degree of automation just as critical to measure.

Change management
Main points: Automated solutions critical so retailers don't have to change processes. Allows both scaling up and down market.