Andrew Gaule 高安卓 ( discusses with Ashley Dudarenok 艾熙丽 (, about the rapid rate of change in technology and business models in China. From the rise of rise of electric cars, autonomous shops, drone displays and developments of virtual reality. The discussion also covers the growth of Chinese products and sales in rapidly developing regions with China the place to watch for innovation as the five year plans continue to develop. See further details below. 

For a book on corporate innovation and venturing see "Purpose to Performance - Innovative New Value Chains" by Andrew Gaule. ( ) - Includes a chapter on China from the years of travelling in China and taking leading corporates. 
You can listen to this interview as a podcast on Gaule's Question Time on Apple, Spotify, Google and many other podcast channels.
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China expert Ashley Dudarenok provides an in-depth look at China's digital transformation and future technology roadmap. She explains how China implemented emerging technologies like social commerce, QR code payments and live streaming at immense scale years before the West. For example, mobile payments in China exploded after WeChat's viral "red envelope" campaigns over 10 years ago. Ashley highlights key areas where China is charging ahead including electric and autonomous vehicles, VR/AR, 5G/6G infrastructure, and advanced technologies like AI and quantum computing. She also discusses Chinese brands going global, opportunities in developing markets, and China's cultural exports. Ashley draws on China's latest 5-year plans to showcase the country's blueprint for dominating strategic technologies like EVs, smart cities, IoT and the metaverse. With deep expertise and on-the-ground experience, she provides unique perspectives on what global executives must understand about innovation and digital transformation in China.

Key Topics and Main Points:
China's Digital Transformation
- Implemented social commerce years before the west
- Massive scale enabled innovations in mobile payments, live streaming
- Unmatched infrastructure being built across 5G, 6G networks
- Eliminating poverty and now also targeting digital illiteracy
Advanced Technologies
- Leader in EVs, autonomous vehicles, delivery drones
- Testing new transportation modes across cities
- Investments in AI, quantum computing, semiconductors
- Building supply chains for domestic VR/AR industry
- Integrating digital twins of cities for future metaverse
Globalization of Chinese Brands
- Targeting overseas expansion based on brand category and region
- High growth rates continuing in developing countries
- Facing boycotts and geopolitical barriers in western markets
- Extensive cultural exports across entertainment gaining soft power
China's Strategic Roadmap
- 5-year plans consistently achieved technology milestones
- Blueprint covers smart cities, IoT, big data, quantumcomputing
- National champions like Huawei driving global infrastructure
- Plan to lead in core tech like 6G, EVs, renewables, AI by 2030
Implications for Global Executives
- Understand where China is outcompeting technologically
- Learn from innovations deployed at scale locally
- Leverage China's advances in supply chains and manufacturing
- Local partnerships key to tap this crucial market
- Shift perspective from US/Europe centric to global