Once you finish the construction of your new gas station how do you get it open up for business? How to pass the inspections, how to merchandise, how to get everything ready, let's discuss and let's see if we can finally open your new store for business. Stay Tuned...

Welcome to Gas station business 101 podcast, I am your host Shabbir Hossain, and this is episode 54. This is the show where we discuss how to start, run and grow a gas station business successfully and give you an inside look at many real life case studies so you can follow and be successful in this business.

Today's episode is the third and final part of How to build a gas station from start to finish.

In this episode we will discuss:

The final inspections (Building, fire, electrical and most importantly the health dept. inspection and what they look for)

How to merchandise your store for the first time How to hire people How to train them When to buy your first load of fuel How to set up your POS How to set up all the pricing The actual opening of your store How to do a grand opening Resale value of your newly build store

If you have any question, feel free to send me an email at [email protected], or you can post it on my Facebook group page by going to shabbirhossain.net

Don't forget to sign up for my very important newsletter; you can simply sign up for it by going to http://gasstationbusiness101.com/subscribe

Good news is the email transition process has started, so in about a week or so we will be able to start sending out emails that many of you have been waiting for.

In the meantime, if you haven't subscribed to this podcast, feel free to do so, and if you like this show, I would love to see a review from you on iTunes or where ever you download this episode from.

Thank you once again for joining me in this episode; I will see you in the next one.