How to Promote a Gas Station Business effectively both on and offline


In this 10th episode I cover the last P (promotion) of the 6P's of Marketing mix. Here we talk about how to promote your Gas station business both online and offline.


We start with offline promotions like in store and local area marketing in which there are 3 types of promotions you can do:


1. Promotion via products


2. Promotion via Pricing


3. Promotion via People or Employees


We also talk about how to split test each promotion and see which one of the marketing efforts are brining you better success


Lastly we talk about how to promote a store online via Facebook.


In this episode I shared some of my very own marketing successes most of which you can take and implement in your business right away.


The book I want to recommend today is The power of habit, why we do what we do in life and business by Charles Duhigg