Gary Ryan shares Chapter Two of his Amazon Kindle #1 Bestseller "Disruption Leadership matters - lessons for leaders from the pandemic" The chapter title is, "Start by assessing your mental models".

In this episode you will learn:

What are "Mental Models"?The mental models Gary recommends for leadership successEmployees are human beings, not human resourcesLearning and oxygen are equally important for human beingsSmart, hard workCash is king, clarity is queenWhoever receives the output of your work, so they can do their work, is a customerOwn your roleHow you can apply these mental models to all aspects of your lifeHow you can influence other people's mental modelsAnd much more!

Click here to download the FREE AudioBook and eBook versions of Disruption Leadership matters - lessons for leaders from the pandemic (join folks from 20 countries have accepted this opportunity).

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If you would like support in creating a high-performance culture based on treating people as human beings, please click here to contact Gary Ryan