The manager of Juneau's city-owned garden shares tips for spring planting and upcoming events at the arboretum for Alaska Native Plant Month. 

The view from Jensen-Olson Arboretum in Juneau. (Photo courtesy of the Jensen-Olson Arboretum).

Spring is in bloom at Juneau’s Jensen-Olson Arboretum.

Ginger Hudson manages the arboretum, a city-owned garden located out the road just pass the Shrine of St. Therese. She spoke with KTOO’s Garden Talk about spring planting and upcoming events at the arboretum for Alaska Native Plant Month.

“In the Lower 48, Native Plant Month is in April,” Hudson said. “And as everybody knows, our gardens are still waking up.”

Alaska Native Plant Month takes place in May and was established last year to recognize the importance of native species and encourage Alaskans to plant them in their gardens.

On Sunday, the arboretum will host a free native plant walk at 11 a.m. that anyone can join.

The arboretum is home to a nationally-accredited primrose collection. There are more than 170 varieties of primroses on the property today. Hudson says they’re in prime bloom at the moment, so now is the time to see them.

“If you can make it out earlier, the primroses are in prime spectacular color right now,” she said. “But they do bloom from April until frost. There is always some kind of primula growing.”

You can also stop by next Saturday for Public Gardens Day and Primula Day, when the garden will hold a plant sale and host tours.

Hudson also shared recommendations for native plants to grow in local gardens, including flowering and fruit-producing varieties.

Find a full list of future events online at