A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.   These notes may contain affiliate links.        Garden soundtrack   Soggy October.   Knowing a place, season to season.   The idea of UNKNOWN GROUND (Terra Incognita)     Reading 04:48   from Landmarks by Robert MacFarlane https://amzn.to/2WgmH5N   Read by Rachel Coldbreath.       Interview with Grant Simon Rogers 06:46   07:14 "Keep sharing the beauty”   10:46 An introduction to Grant’s work   13:16 The importance of walking through the landscape – immersion or escape?    15:14 The process of taking (or making) a photograph   17:00 A cinematic quality   17:44 The representation of the human element    18:19 The reaction of the public during photography   19:14 London: Brockwell Park – Daphne and the Bad Wildlife   20:00 Learning trees   20:39 Favourite plants to photograph – individuals, or types?   22:14 Berlin: Tempelhof – grasses and birds of prey in the city   23:26 Documenting the wildlife, or passing through?   24:24 ‘Terra Incognita’ – always new ground? How well do we know the ground under our feet?   The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the younger.  https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-ambassadors/bQEWbLB26MG1LA?hl=en-GB   27:19 A subtle approach to storytelling        I’m so grateful to Grant for making time to talk to us about how he works in and sees the landscape around him. You can find out more about Grant and see examples of his photographs on the following links:    Online   flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/grantsrogers/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grantsimonrogers/     Exhibitions   The Last Supper,  42 Webb’s Road, SW11 6SF, London, +44 (0)742 763 6306 or +44 (0)207 223 8900 http://the-lastsupper.com/item/october-2018/   La Camera Chiara, Pestalozzistraße 13 / Berlin / 10625 https://www.lacamerachiara.de/ausstellungen/terra-incognita-02-11-07-12-2019/       With thanks to all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.    I'm grateful, once again, to Rachel for helping me out with the reading. You can find Rachel here: twitter.com/agildedeye.      One-to-one online garden coaching I’m very excited about my new venture – it’s a way for me to work with more people than I can physically get around to, helping them to make the very best of their gardens in a way that suits the life they lead. If you’d like to find out more, please leave me your email address on the following link. I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as soon as this launches! https://www.gardensweedsandwords.com/garden-coaching-prelaunch       website: gardensweedsandwords.com email: [email protected] Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB       

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