Garbage and Gold Episode 010: 90s/00s Teen Dramas
Back to the nostalgia we go with the 1990s and 2000s teen dramas we all were way too emotionally invested in! Lindsey throws some serious shade. The girls bond over their love of power rangers. Lisa wants to fix all the broken boys and Lindsey proposes the male equivalent of the manic pixie dream girl. Also, our exciting announcement! Let's go!
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Show Notes:
00:38 - Recap of As Seen on TV Products
05:37 - Winner of the swag giveaway!
06:40 - Introduction to 90s/00s Teen Dramas
09:24 - Lindsey's Garbage
16:19 - Lisa's Garbage
23:23 - Lindsey's Gold
30:34 - Lisa's Gold
35:14 - Recap and how to vote
38:40 - Next week's topic
Theme: Fun Times All the Time by Wolves
Transition Music & Sound bites: ASEPresents (

Garbage and Gold Episode 010: 90s/00s Teen Dramas

Back to the nostalgia we go with the 1990s and 2000s teen dramas we all were way too emotionally invested in! Lindsey throws some serious shade. The girls bond over their love of power rangers. Lisa wants to fix all the broken boys and Lindsey proposes the male equivalent of the manic pixie dream girl. Also, our exciting announcement! Let's go!

We'd love for you to join the conversation, too!



Send us a screenshot via DM or email that you've subscribed, rated, and reviewed our podcast wherever it is you listen to our show and you'll be entered to win some EXCLUSIVE Garbage & Gold merch! We'll pick a new winner every week through March.

Show Notes:

00:38 - Recap of As Seen on TV Products

05:37 - Winner of the swag giveaway!

06:40 - Introduction to 90s/00s Teen Dramas

09:24 - Lindsey's Garbage

16:19 - Lisa's Garbage

23:23 - Lindsey's Gold

30:34 - Lisa's Gold

35:14 - Recap and how to vote


38:40 - Next week's topic

Theme: Fun Times All the Time by Wolves

Transition Music & Sound bites: ASEPresents

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