DwD 0332:  Pit Stops – Practicing and Some Best Practices

Once you start to progress as drivers and as a team, one of the more important aspects of racing and one of the most overlooked and potentially ignored aspects of endurance racing is minimizing you time lost on track during the pit stops.  As always, the over-riding most important aspects is to maintain focused on the safety of you, your team, your cars, and the fellow teams in the pit lane.  We also offer a few of the lessons we have learned along the way during our journey.  Ben and Bill have apparently taken a silly pill during this episode and digress down a few different paths of humor(?).  Tips on harnesses, cam locks, radios and radio connections, pit entry prep by the driver, driver order optimization, pit organization tips/5S/Kaizen boards, detachable steering wheels, etc.  

If you have any further hints that you’d like to share, please let us know in a podcast review, on our social media, or send us an email at [email protected] and we can share it in an upcoming Dominating With Dawson.

A link to the episode is: https://tinyurl.com/PenelopePitStopTips