We are back to business and we are playing an intense game of Where’s Tom?.. we give our bold predictions on this years WR’s and move into the super hot NBA playoffs. What snacks does Lebron like? Listen and you’ll know. Garage Jam is Watch by Travis Scott. This weeks garage talk focuses on questions … Continue reading Brady is MIA, NBA Playoffs, Virtual Pets, Questions From Women ( https://garageguysfantasysports.com/2018/05/25/brady-is-mia-nba-playoffs-virtual-pets-questions-from-women/ )

We are back to business and we are playing an intense game of Where’s Tom?.. we give our bold predictions on this years WR’s and move into the super hot NBA playoffs. What snacks does Lebron like? Listen and you’ll know. Garage Jam is Watch by Travis Scott. This weeks garage talk focuses on questions … Continue reading Brady is MIA, NBA Playoffs, Virtual Pets, Questions From Women