This is a very quick brief. Podcast 30 minutes long. But it has nothing but the facts. That have been brought up to me lately. And it's been a long night Gary Smith Jr frank Abrams name correction.
So if anybody's name is brought up in these podcasts, that is not involved. I do extremely apologize and I will talk to you one on one, face to face. But I am trying to end a terrorist cell. A group of gang stalking individuals. Who know what they're doing, and you know who know who, know who they are. And know how they're manipulating and corrupting the system and killing people. And ripping everybody off and mind ****** everybody. So please accept my upmost apologies 'cause I am sincerely apologetic and I do mean it. If you are not one of the people involved, but if you are one of the people involved, watch out. I'm coming for you.*sexual predator pigs.