5 minutes gangstalking :

CIA or other Law Enforcement Agent:
This letter is going to be typed saved and mailed to the mailing address as for 6+ years now I have tried to reach out to local state and federal agencies to 1.- to whistle blow on a worldwide security breach 2.- to report crimes against humanity being done to US citizens by homegrown terrorist cell NWO/Gay Mafia Terrorist Cell/ or whatever name the dirty worthless filth want to claim as their name
At this point in time.
1.Real Estate Fraud
2.Bank Fraud
3.Identity Fraud
4.Government Fraud
5.Insurance Fraud
6.Use of stolen military/government property
7.Sale of contraband and military secrets
8.Cyber terrorism against all governments, their agencies, businesses, citizens and their electronic property,
9.Use of EMF to manipulating brain waves and reading of people’s brain waves targeting certain individuals while still pumping out mind control to the masses via frequencies, cell towers, radio, satellite, tv, teleprompters, telekinesis, telepathy, mind rape, subliminal messaging, brain mapping, hypnosis, and other forms of unauthorized torture. Often kidnapping and beating victims into submitting to slavery and becoming human pups or puppets for this terrorist cell.
10.“Splitting personalities” of individuals and switching “souls” or brains. AI and ioT, combined with virtual reality and I’m guessing the CIA’s world size simulation modules.
11.Use of previous HAARP technology and information to build their own weather changing/ weather station To change the weather patterns and you cause natural disasters in the United States of America as well as foreign countries things like forest fires hurricanes tsunami’s etc. for the purpose of being the contractors ago in and rebuild them especially the electrical contractors to go in and when they re-wire c And essentially rebuild the infrastructure for the electrical systems both inside their homes in the cities themselves both commercial and residential and business as well as industrial so they are able to ramp up the electromagnetic fields do more brainwashing in my control and actually pretty much run the city like it is a real life people person simulation are they control everybody’s lives and they don’t know it. Businesses that are involved in this or Windstream Nuvox communications of Ohio, CoreLogic of Irving Texas in Irvine California. Peerless Communications, Gabriel communications, formerly blue male doctor web.com Switchbox Inc, buckeye partners and others as well.
12.Hacking into all electronics and systems everywhere through the use of man—in-the middle cyber/computer/anything that has “power” including the human body.

There are more crimes
I have evidence or can provide proof for these things plus more including these people being involved in the largest human trafficking /largest identity/largest data theft ring in world history. They have killed multiple people across the country. Responsible for the Clinton Email Scandal, the reason for two separate email servers, impersonating Secret Service as well as 911 call center employees, police detectives in Cincinnati ohio as well as Columbus Ohio. Prostitution, indentured servants, slavery, and pets—also connections to Flex Spas and adrenochrome being harvested out of young children through adult males they have “tricked” (flex spas Hollywood, Wisconsin- Konn Family Farm, Michael Mark Columbus, OH- Huge INVOLVEMENT IN THE WHOLE BRAIN RAPE, TRAFFICKING, BODY RAPE, MURDER, KIDNAPPING AND SLAVERY OF INDIVIDUALS. San Diego CA, also porn studio gay owned father/son- hypnotizing brain washing reprogramming, Jessica Dimone (drag queen stage name) Cincinnati OH – one of the uppers in the “master of hypnosis, reprogramming, drugging.”

I have filed 43 IC3 reports over the past couple of years stating that I have proof since all I could submit onlonie was just a typed descrition of events that had occurred on all 43+. My first one, though after submitting it, gave me a report number, place to log into, and even upload files. This was the one report I was given that option on. Any of the reports that followed all typed, no reference number, or ability to upload supporting documents of proof showing these plus more illegal things going on.
I have called ICE, CIA, FBI, NASA, OSU, USC BERKLEY, USC IRVINE, in addition to local and state law enforcement agencies.
Also contacted and been denied “Help with a Government Agency” from representatives Chabot and Brown, both of their offices respectively. I have proof that this terrorist cell has infiltrated the USPS and other mailing systems, letters to Government and LT Gov of Ohio in 2017 that were not signed for, or acted upon when it stated in these letters that I have proof, and need help with bringing these terrorists , their targeted individuals attack, and their crimes against the US Government, Military, and medical professionals,.

Check with attorney Sam Szymanski Columbus Ohio about those involved with applyaloe.com back around 2010-ish.(Blake Carter-guilty) and be sure to ask the service industry workers, caterers, warehouse workers, etc. About the score board they had up online, their pet store, illegal porn, child pornography, child molestation tendencies, (including age that they started corrupting infants and others.

I have podcast on iheartradio, Gangs of Americas. There is also information throughout Facebook, youtube,
Names Invloved are available as well as further details and information concerning this terrorist, cyber terrorist attack on the world

MINDCONTROL brain wave manipulation technology Today: brainwave computer systems u. Saddleiyte systems in space, spychotronic weapons u. neural implants in human brain and HAIRP. * inks on the topic on the net *
MK-Ultra MINDCONTROL Brainwave Technology Today , Brainwave Computer Systems , Satteliyte Systems in Space , Spychotronic weapons, Neuronal Implant's in Human Brain's and HAARP .
* over 300 - links of proof * Download File
My Mindcontrol Informer - Facebook Account
Please help ALL MANKIND #AllLivesMatter by getting the US Government involved immediately in these #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes


#cybersecurity #cybercrime #databreach #fbi
#revolution #personofinterest

Targeted individuals #remoteNeuralMonitoring #WarCrimes #sightillogicalsoundillogicalwarfare #CrimeoftheCentury #humandroneprogram # New World Order #prostitution #Covid #iamone #boeing # slavery #phoenixMedia #cyberwar #psywar #secretGovernment #MK-ultra #monica #MiTM #mindcontrol # secret Society #gaymafiaterroristcell # telco Fraud #justinGoines #RICO #warcrimes

The illegal activities that you hear about during this podcast are real and are occurring. MKultra provides (along with other hacked into system) this home grown terrorist cell way too much information.
*remote neuro link
*emf broadcasting VR
*yes the kidnappings are real
*yes I have tried to report-actually the US District attorneys office was informed about some of them ahead of time.
*yes this is a premeditated organized crime ring with all planned out ahead of time and worked over and over again throughout the world.
*yes they have kidnapped people from prisons, lied and impersonated law enforcement, attorneys, judges, etc.
**always know what’s going on never. Know when these people will cause you to lose your soul , and never be reunited back.
**lost souls - Hollywood flex spas-
Check out their playbook