Previous Episode: Paris Conte
Next Episode: Jodi Black

Welcome back to Gaming with Gage, your podcast for Roleplaying Games and the Periphery.

Thanks for being here

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Season Five! We’re so excited to have you here, as we kick off another season of Gaming with Gage. It’s so wonderful to be back and we have some exciting things planned.

First, we’ve launched our very own Patreon so those of you who would like to support the show can! Patrons will get access to an exclusive Discord channel, previews on upcoming projects and our new Patreon exclusive podcast We Watch, We Talk, where Amanda and I watch a movie and then talk about it. I’m told it’s the most creative name in the history of the internet. For our first episode we watched The Fellowship of the Ring and I had some thoughts . You can listen to those, and support the show at

I also have a number of appearances coming up soon including the Gamerstable streaming show Big 20, that hosts a rotating cast of GMs, and the finale of The Marshals Actual Play, with Chris Hussey.

Speaking of Chris Hussey, he’s on this episode! This week we took a deep dive on a sometimes sensitive topic, Rules vs Rulings. We talked about GM responsibility, the importance of communication and trust with your game group, and one of the few rules in Savage Worlds that I don’t like. If you have more thoughts to add to the conversation I’d recommended joining our Discord. It’s the easiest place to yell at me. I mean discuss with me.

As always, we ask that you rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or wherever you listen.

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And with all that out of the way, let’s jump into our Season Premiere, Rules vs Rulings with Chris Hussey.

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