Previous Episode: Dan Wells

Welcome back to Gaming with Gage, your podcast for Roleplaying Games and the Periphery.

Thanks for being here

And thank you everyone for your patience this week. I’ve been dealing with some family issues since the New Year and that combined with a work trip made getting the episode out difficult. This week we do have something special for all of you didn’t get a chance to watch the ETU: Extra Curricular Activities stream. Now you can enjoy it in audio! As in, right now. As in, it’s this episode. If you’d prefer to watch the VOD instead you can go to

Now because this was originally a live stream there are some differences from normal episodes. For one thing, the audio quality is lower than our normal shows. That’s because 6 different people, all using their own equipment and without time for corrections, are very difficult to keep level. We’ve done what we can to ensure an enjoyable listening experience. The second big difference is that this episode is not family friendly. While there are few adult themes, the language is an issue if you have young children present. Maybe grab some headphones. Sorry Jason.

This show was produced and hosted by Openly Gamer Theater. If you haven’t checked out the other Actual Plays and Role Play dramas you can find them at

As always, we ask that you rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or wherever you listen.

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And with all that out of the way, let’s jump into Openly Gamer Theater Presents, ETU: Extra Curricular Activities

We'd also like to thank our Patreon supporters,

Andrew Spencer-Lee

Bryan Hart

Eugene Katz

Some other helpful links,

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