Welcome back to Gaming with Gage, your podcast for Roleplaying Games and the Periphery.

Thanks for being here

And thank you for the wonderful response to our most recent topic episodes, We’ll be continuing this week with a topic that we previewed in our Discord! The whole cast is there to chat with and answer any questions you might have. It’s also where we do all of our interviews and occasionally run online gaming sessions.

This week, I’m pleased to say, features my wife Amanda Holmes. We chatted about Who’s Agatha?, our Savage Worlds Actual Play from Season Two, and how to get back into character. If you haven’t listened to Who’s Agatha, you can find all of those episodes in this feed starting with Showcase Session One. If you have listened to Who’s Agatha? you’ll be excited to hear that we are planning on coming back to the magical world of Boston this year. Details soon.

As always, we ask that you rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or wherever you listen.

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And with all that out of the way, let’s jump into Getting into Character with Amanda Holmes.

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